Presiding Judge: Honorable Judge Warner L. Kennon
Director: Mary Bode
Advisory Board Chairman: Steve Melton

The Muscogee County's Juvenile Court is a multi-agency post adjudication program involving the coordinated efforts of the Juvenile Drug Court Judge, District Attorney's Office, Public Defender, Department of Juvenile Justice, Muscogee County School District, and local Substance Abuse Treatment Providers.

The Juvenile Drug Court Program is a voluntary program for juveniles charged with drug-related non-violent crimes.

The Drug Court will empower juvenile offenders to live drug-free lives and become law-abiding citizens by:

  • involving the juvenile's family
  • providing intensive court supervision, counseling, school performance monitoring, and linkage to community resources
  • measuring these objectives by drug screens, recidivism rates, school records, and periodic assessments
  • salvaging a life, one juvenile at a time

A dedicated and compassionate group of professionals, volunteers and parents, partnering with juveniles who develop and implement strategies that will positively impact the juvenile's quality of life and make a life-changing difference in his or her future.

Court Schedule:
Drug Court sessions occur weekly on Tuesday at 3:15 p.m. in the Muscogee County Government Center. Occasionally, with prior notice, court will be rescheduled for another day.

Courtroom Protocol:
All participants and families will sit in the open courtroom. The deputy sheriff announces each case. Occasionally, if the participant or parent would prefer to meet privately with the Judge, this can be arranged per your request through your individual Case Manager.

Contact Information:
East Wing - 1st Floor
100 10th Street, Government Center 
Phone: 706.653.4436