December 24, 2024: CLOSED 

December 25, 2024: CLOSED 

December 26, 2024: CLOSED

January 1, 2025: CLOSED



The Judges and Staff of Muscogee County Juvenile Court welcome you to its website. Juvenile Court serves residents of Muscogee County by hearing all cases involving allegations of dependency and children in need of services under the age of 18, and delinquency and traffic violations concerning children under the age of 17. The Court is organized by Title 15, Chapter 11 in the Official Code of Georgia Annotated.

Muscogee County Juvenile Court is located on the 1st floor in the East Wing of the Columbus Consolidated Government Center at 100 10th Street, Columbus, Georgia 31901. The court is open Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM.

The mission of the Juvenile Court is to "administer justice through the comprehensive delivery of services to children and families, victims of crimes and the community so that children reach their full potential, victims of crimes are restored, and families/children are reunified."

This website is designed to provide information to the general public about the purpose, programs, and basic structure of the Juvenile Court. The website cannot provide specific case information due to the confidential nature of juvenile proceedings.

The Columbus Consolidated Government Center is a secure facility. All persons entering building will be required to pass through a metal detector and have hand-carried objects searched and scanned. Weapons of any kind are not permitted in the building.

Juvenile Court's main telephone line is 706-653-4290. For a list of offices and contacts, please visit the Contact Us page.