NOTICE: Traffic Citation Court is every Tuesday. If you have a large number of processes, we ask that you do NOT bring them after 1:30PM. They can be handled before this time only. Thank you for understanding this matter. -Reginald Thompson, Clerk

NOTICE: Online filing will be available starting January 1, 2024.

Municipal Court

100 10th Street
Government Center
8th Floor Tower
Phone: (706) 653-4378


Steven D. Smith
Phone: (706) 653-4790

Effective May 14, 2020, the Municipal Court of Columbus Georgia adopted guidelines for in court proceedings to remain in effect during the current Statewide Judicial Emergency.

Read the Standing Order for Court Procedures during Judicial Emergency Order for Municipal Court .

This court is presided over by a judge elected for a four-year term. In criminal cases, this court acts as a committal court only, except it may accept guilty pleas and impose sentence in certain cases. In cases resulting from the violation of state statutes in which the defendant does not plead guilty, the court determines if there is sufficient evidence to warrant committing the case to the Superior Court or State Court for trial. In such instances, a bail bond is required for the defendant's release from confinement while awaiting trial.

Municipal Court has jurisdiction of civil cases when the amount does not exceed $15,000 including suits for damages, breach of contract, etc. and jurisdiction in garnishments and writs of possession up to $15,000.

In addition, all dispossessory proceedings, bad check warrants, abandonment warrants and distress warrants are handled in Municipal Court.

Municipal Court is located on the 8th Floor of the Tower of the Consolidated Government Center.


Physical Address:
Government Center
100 10th Street, 8th Floor Tower
Columbus, Georgia, 31904
Mailing Address:
Municipal Court of Columbus
P.O. Box 1340
Columbus, Ga, 31902
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

The Municipal Court of Columbus observes the holiday schedule approved by the Columbus City Council. Our office will be closed on City holidays. For a complete listing of City holidays, review the City's Holiday Schedule.

Phone Numbers:
(706) 653-4378